- 2020December:We taken a group photo.
- 2020/6/4: Masayuki TAKANO won the prize
Mr. Masayuki TAKANO was selected as the Excellent Presentation Award Chosen by Students at the Master's Thesis Interim Review of Department of Applied Physics.
- 2020/4/14: Prof. Satoshi KASHIWAYA won the prize
Prof. Satoshi KASHIWAYA was awarded the Awards for Science and Technology (Research Category) at the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
About this award (Japanese page)
- 2019/12/3-7:Dr. Yano, Dr. Tsumura,and students (Mr. Yamamoto and Mr. Hori) presented their research at International Conference on Topological Materials Science2019 (TopoMat2019)
The TopoMat2019 held at Kyoto Japan. Our reserchers (Dr. Yano and Dr. Tsumura) and students (M1 Mr. Yamamoto and B4 Mr. Hori) attend the conference. Mr. Yamomoto won the Poseter Prize !He recieved the honor prize at the banquet of the TopoMat2019!
- 2019/4/9: Masahiro YAMAMOTO won the prize
Mr. Masahiro YAMAMOTO was selected as the Grand Prize of the Excellent Presentation Award at the Master's Thesis Interim Review of Department of Applied Physics.
- 2018/4/9: Satoshi TOMA won the prize
Mr. Satoshi TOMA was selected as the Excellent Presentation Award Chosen by Students at the Master's Thesis Interim Review of Department of Applied Physics.
- 2018/4/1: Satoshi Kashiwaya Laboratory Started
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